Upcoming Presentations

Canadian Society of Clinical Chemistry. June 18, 1:30pm. Roundtable. Cannabis in Gastrointestinal System. Conference 2024 | CSCC (cscc-sccc.ca)

Research Society on Alcoholism. June 22. 9-1:30. 15th Lieber Satellite Symposium.

SATELLITE FLYER – Lieber-2024.pdf

2024 MEETING (researchsocietyonalcohol.org)

Join us for the 17th annual Charles Lieber & 1st Peter Ferenci Memorial Satellite Symposium, Sat. June 24th 2023, 9:00-13:00, part of the Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) annual meeting, Location: Bellevue, Washington. 2023 MEETING (researchsocietyonalcohol.org)

Sep.18th: We’re presenting on alcohol-induced dementia at the hybrid Charles Lieber Symposium as part of ISBRA-ESBRA: https://isbra-esbra2022.com/program

Sept. 19th: We’re presenting on Cannabis at IATDMCT on Sept. 19. online (symposium 4). Please join us: https://iatdmct2022.org/scientific-programme/